We are interested in the simulation of highly-turbulent bounded flows by mean of the Lattice Boltzmann method.
January 2016
Kalyan Shrestha paper “Finite volume versus streaming-based lattice Boltzmann algorithm for fluid-dynamics simulations: A one-to-one accuracy and performance study” with Gilmar Mompean myself gets accepted on Physical Revivew E.
November 2015
A happy end 🙂 Kalyan Shrestha defends his PhD thesis titled “Simulation of wall-bounded turbulent convective flows by Finite Volume Lattice Boltzmann Method” on november 30th 2015 @ University of Lille
The full manuscript is here [PhD thesis-Shrestha2015]
July 2014
Kalyan Shrestha talks at the Discrete Simulations of Fluid Dynamics Conference DSFD 2014 in Paris “Can Finite-Volume Lattice Boltzmann outperform Streaming-based algorithm in fluid-dynamics simulations?” [slides]
June 2014
Kalyan Shrestha talks at Journée des Doctorants on 24 June 2014 “Lattice Boltzmann Method for fluid flows” [slides]